Assignment - 1765 (LONAN)

Whereas John Callister of Grawe in the parish of KK Lonan did pass over by way of mortgage a certain field part of the Quarterland of Grawe aforesaid, commonly called and distinguished by the name of Thalloo ne hennin with the appurtenances and appendages thereunto belonging unto me John Mylroie of the aforesaid parish for the consideration money of twelve pounds currency of this Isle by a Deed dated the 11th May 1752 and commencing from the 29th of February before, and by the same Deed the said Callister was to enjoy the said premises paying the lawful interest of the said sum yearly

And as the premises being disadvantageous to me, the said John Mylroie, and the interest for five years being in arrear besides and alienation fine and other charges attending the same which in the whole amounts to the sum of fifteen pounds eighteen shillings and seven pence which sum Thomas Cowin of the said parish is willing to advance unto me upon my surrender of the premises

Therefore know all men by these presents that I the said John Mylroie with the consent of Margaret Mylroie my wife, divers good causes over and above the reasons offered aforesaid but more especially for and in consideration of the said sum of fifteen pounds eighteen shillings and seven pence to be paid or secured to be paid unto me at the worshipful Deemster’s attestation hereof at, by and from the hands of the said Thomas Cowin

Have given, granted, transferred and assigned and by these presents do give, grant, transfer and assign from me the said John Mylroie, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns all and singular my right, title, property and interest I now have, heretofore had, or may or can have in and unto the abovementioned Bill of Mortgage which I had from the said John Callister unto him the said Thomas Cowin, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns

To have and to hold the premises aforesaid from and after the date hereof, in as full and ample manner and to all intents and purposes whatsoever as I the said John Mylroie might, could or have done by force and virtue of the said Bill of Mortgage for the term and time unexpired term and time to come according to the proper and true meaning thereof and in all respects as I might or could do if this assignment had not been made

And for the true and faithful performance of all and singular the beforegoing transfer or assignment and every clause therein contained, I the said John Mylroie with the consent and assent of my wife, do bind and oblige ourselves and every of our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns in and under the penalty and forfeiture of forty pounds sterling to be levied and paid according to law and practice within this Isle.

In witness whereof we have caused our names and marks to be hereunto set and subscribed the 8th day of December in the sixth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the Third by the grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, defender of the faith. Anno domini 1765. John Mylroie my mark X, Margaret Mylroie my mark X

Signed and duly executed by John Mylroie and Margaret Mylroie in presence of John Fargher my mark X, James Scarff

March 26th 1767 John Mylroie and Margaret his wife acknowledged the beforewritten Deed of Assignment to be their proper and voluntary act and to have received the consideration therein mentioned. Before me Robert Heywood

At a Court Baron holden at Douglas for the parishes of Maughold, Lonan and Conchan the 30th day of May 1785, the beforewritten Deed of Assignment being proved before the Deemster and now openly published in Court and no objections offered against it the same is therefore allowed of and in the name and behalf of the most noble John, Duke of Atholl, Lord of Mann and the Isles, and confirmed by this Court. Robert Heywood

[Ref: SSM May 1785 #87]


  1. Grawe - Ballacallister
  2. John was the oldest son of Richard Mylroie & Isabel Moore, baptised 1724
  3. He married Margaret Clague, and had several children - perhaps 7 - however, most records of events in this family (burials, marriages) have not survived
  4. This mortgage was originally taken in 1752, never repaid and this 1765 assignment is John passing it on to Thomas Cowin for £15/18/7
  5. Curiously, John had in the meantime, purchased John Callister's lands in Grau so it is an open question why John did not acquire the lands in this mortgage as well instead of passing the mortgage on
  6. Lonan parish registers from the early 1700s are far from complete so extreme caution must be exercised when attempting to draw conclusions about these families and their relationships

Associated Documents

From Summary of Wills, A Manx Notebook

Mother of Margaret

1725-1 A 11 [Clague] Margaret BREW [bur Lon 17250421] d 13 Apr; mo alive; sis Isabel; husb alive; only dau Margt ua - aunt Isable Brew; in burial reg as Margt Clague als Brew

Father of Margaret

1747-2 E w CLAGUE Phinlo [bur Lon 17471007] d 4 Oct 1747; wife Ann als Stole; unnamed ch; court names Jane, Anne, Ellinor (eldest)

Grandmother of Margaret (Maternal)

1754-3 E d BREW Margaret als KELLY [bur Lon 17540203] d 19 Feb 1754; gdau Margt Clague (w/o John Mylroii) admx [daughter Margaret Brew married Phinlo Clauge 26/11/1723]

Step-mother of Margaret

1776-1 A 4 CLAGUE Ann STOLE [bur Lon 17760202]d 1 Feb 1776; Laxey; dau Jane Callow; dau Ellinor Brew; gdau Elinor Brew, Jane Brew, Cath Clague; son John; dau Ann Clague execx  (Finloe evidently remarried after wife Margaret Brew died in 1725)

Sister-in-law of Margaret

1797A 1 CLAGUE Margaret BREW [bur Lon 17970330] made 29 Mar 1797;3 dau Elinor, Mary + Cath; husb John exec

Last updated: Apr 2020