Mortgage - 1878 (Lonan)

Know all men by these presents that John James Mylroie of Ballacosney in the parish of Lonan doth hereby own and acknowledge himself to be and stand justly and truly endebted unto William Fargher of North Baldrine in the parish of Lonan aforesaid, yeoman, in the principal sum of fifty-five pounds to the payment whereof unto the said William Fargher, his executors administrators and assigns with interest thereunto and after the rate of five per centum per annum (reducible nevertheless as hereafter declared) and all costs and charges attending these presents the said John James Mylroie doth hereby bind and oblige himself, his heirs, executors and administrators ... by these presents and for the further and better security of the said William Fargher, his executors, administrators and assigns in the payment of the said sum of fifty-five pounds with all interest, costs and charges

Know ye that the said John James Mylroie hath given, granted, transferred, assigned and passed over and by these presents do give, grant, transfer, assign and pass over in security unto the said William Fargher all and singular the whole of the right, title and interest of him the said John James Mylroie of, in and unto the estate, lands and premises situate in the parish of Lonan aforesaid called Ballacosney as well Quarterland as Intack and containing in the whole about twenty-nine acres of land be the same more or less which said land or premises are bounded on the south by Joseph Quayle and John Kewley, on the west by the lands of Isabella Clague, widow, on the northwest by the lands of Joseph Mylroie and on the north and east by the estate of Ballagye

To have and to hold with all house and buildings thereon together with all ways, waters, watercourses, easements, liberties, rights, members, privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining until repayment of the said principal money to the said William Fargher, his executors, administrators and assigns with all interest, costs and charges due and attending thereon and it is hereby agreed upon that the interest arising upon this security shall be paid yearly and in case the said interest be paid yearly and punctually as the same becomes due or within one calendar month thereafter then and in such cases the same shall be taken and received at and after the rate of four pounds ten shillings per centum per annum in lieu and full satisfaction of the interest reserved in and by this security

And it is further agreed upon by and between the parties hereto that in case the said John James Mylroie, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns shall be desirous to pay off or the said William Fargher, his executors, administrators or assigns shall be desirous to call in the said principal sum of fifty-five pounds then and in either of the said cases the party or parties so intending shall give to the other party or parties three calendar months previous notice in writing of such his, her or their intention so to do and the said John James Mylroie for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns doth hereby covenant, engage and agree to and with the said William Fargher, his executors, administrators and assigns that he, John James Mylroie, hath good right, full power and lawful authority to charge and encumber the said real estate in manner aforesaid and that he and they shall warrant, maintain, uphold and defend the same unto the said William Fargher, his executors, and administrators and assigns from and against the claim, challenge and demand of all and every person and persons whomsoever and for the true and faithful performance of these presents the said John James Mylroie doth hereby bind and oblige himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns …….. by these presents. In witness whereof the said John James Mylroie hath hereunto subscribed his name this thirteenth day of July one thousand, eight hundred and seventy-eight. John James Mylroie

Signed and delivered by the said John James Mylroie in presence of Thomas C. Callow, Geo. Cubbon

At Douglas 13 July 1878 George Cubbon one of the witnesses to the foregoing Deed who is known to me made oath that John James Mylroi the executing party thereto duly signed the same in his presence and in presence of Thomas C. Callow the other witness. Before me Samuel Harris, High Bailiff of Douglas

Registry Office 13 July 1878 I certify that the foregoing Deed was this day at the hour of four o’clock afternoon received by me at this Office for the purpose of being registered and recorded according to law and that the same is duly registered, recorded and entered in the Requisition Book 8 page 341 No 4432. Sam J. Harris, D. Registrar

Registry Office 14 August 1883 Cancelled by virtue of the annexed receipt dated 4 August 1883. Harris, Rg

Know all men by these presents that Isabella Fargher of North Baldrine in the parish of Lonan, widow of the late William Fargher of the said parish and executrix of his last will and testament do hereby own and acknowledge to have received from and been paid by John James Mylroie the full amount of principal and interest, costs and charges now due and owing upon a certain Deed of Bond and Security bearing date thirteenth day of July one thousand, eight hundred and seventy-eight granted and passed from the said John James Mylroie to the said William Fargher for the principal sum of fifty-five pounds and secured and chargeable upon the estate of Ballacosney in the said parish of Lonan as in the said Deed particularly described and the said Isabella Fargher and Margaret Fargher, daughter of the said William Fargher, do hereby direct and request that the said Deed of Bond and Security dated and granted as aforesaid be and do stand cancelled on record. In witness whereof the said Isabella Fargher and Margaret have hereunto subscribed their names this the fourth day of August in the year one thousand, eight hundred and eighty-three. Isabella her X mark Fargher, Margaret her X mark Fargher

Signed and delivered in presence of John Thomas Cowin, Laxey, Thomas Arthur Mylroi

At Douglas 14 August 1883 John Thomas Cowin one of the witnesses to the foregoing Instrument who is known to me made oath that Isabella Fargher and Margaret Marger the parties thereto duly executed the same after it had been read over to them in his presence and in presence of Thomas Arthur Mylroi the other witness. Before me Samuel. Harris, High Bailiff of Douglas

[Ref: July 1878 #?2 Lonan]


  1. COLBY - Ballacosney
  2. John Jame Mylroie was the son of John Mylroie & Ellenor Fargher, who was baptised in 1852 in Lonan
  3. John, the father of John James, died in 1876, leaving his son 23 year old son, John James, as heir at law
  4. Although he was heir at law to Ballacosney, John James was a miner, first in Laxey and later in Whitehaven
  5. Ballacosney had been heavily encumbered by John Mylroie to the tune of £556/14/6 in the years prior to his death which might explain why John James went to the UK and contnued to work as a miner
  6. He married Elizabeth Davidson Hunter in 1885, and had his only son John Isaace Mylroie in 1886
  7. John James died in the UK in 1888 at the age of 35
  8. The mortgage with William Fargher for £55 must have been for the fields purchased by John James from his mother in 1876, not long after his father died
  9. The witness to this document, Thomas Arthur Mylroi, was the younger brother of John James
  10. John Isaac Mylroie, son of John James, sold what remained of Ballacosney to Robert Curphey in 1908, perhaps because repayment of the Ballacosney debt now stood at £556/14/6 which was insurmountable or perhaps because the young man had been born and raised in the UK, and was not a farmer
  11. In 1908 Ballacosney passed out of the Mylroie family forever

Associated Documents

Also to be checked

FARGHER, John 1875 Lonan E 67 0106480

FARGHER, William 1883 Lonan A 64 0106496

Last updated: Apr 2021