At the Matrimonial Contract of Dan Cowen of KK Lonan and Margaret McYlroy of KK Maugholl made and concluded upon this 9th day of August 1709. It is concluded and agreed upon as followeth:
1. That the said Daniel and Margaret entering this day into the holy estate of matrimony William Cowen father of the said Daniel with the consent of his wife Mally Cowen als Clukas doth hereby give unto his said son and his intended wife the whole of all his lands vulgarly known by the name of Ballachoan with all his part of the corn that grows upon it with his part of the hay in present possession they the young couple paying the rent
2. That in consideration of the above contract David McYlroy father of the said Margaret with the consent of his wife Margaret McYlroy als Cowen do hereby promise and oblige himself to give with his said daughter unto the said Daniel the full and just sum of seven pounds in money and goods to be paid within the expiration of three years next after the date hereof
3. That if the said David McYlroy and his wife shall think fit at any years end to remove to and dwell with their within mentioned son and daughter the said Daniel and Margaret, that then they are to have half the said tenement with half the crop of corn and hay during the natural life of the longer liver of them paying half the rent and other charges during the said term and leaving the crop as they found it
For the performance of all and singular the above and within mentioned premises all parties concerned have obliged themselves either to the other in the penalty of twenty pounds in the nature of all fines. Witness their subscription the day and year within written. William Cowen his X mark, Mally Cowen als Clukas her X Mark, Dan Cowen his mark X, Margaret McYlroy her X , David McYlroy his X mark, Margaret McYlroy als Cowen her X mark
Signed and delivered in presence of Jon Tear X, John Crellin X, William Catching X
25th August 1709 All the parties to the within contract excepting Margaret McYlroy who is sick and not able to travel have acknowledged the same to be their act and deed and John Tear and John Crellin two of the witnesses have made oath to the same and that Margaret McYlroy did sign the same in their presence. And both the said parties and witnesses did jointly declare that though the land within granted …. only mentioned Ballachoan yet the meaning was that the young couple are to enjoy all the lands as well in Ballacoan as in Brandall with the crop of both. And all this before me John Parr.
At a Sheading Court holden at Douglas the 21 October 1709 The within Articles of Marriage proved before Deemster Parr and now published in open Court and no objection against them the same are allowed of an confirmed according to law. J. Rowe, Chris Parker, William Sedden, Dan Mylrea
[Ref: OD Lonan 1/5]
- Margaret was the daughter of David McLerye & Margaret Cowne. She was probably born in Braddan and her marriage date would suggest a birth between 1680 and 1685
- Margaret married Daniel Cowne in 1709. She had a Marriage Contract and in it her father had artfully reserved the right to move in with Margaret and her husband if he wished. David MOLLEYREY/MOLLEYRETY buried 20th March 1733 in Lonan so he clearly exercised his rights
- LV 1709 shows William Cowne of Brandell treen signing over his tenancy to son Dan
- In 1717, she and her husband sold half of their Ballachoan estate in Brundall to her brother Richard. LV May 1718 records sale (total rent - 16s)
- Daniel died and his share went to son Philip (LV May 1729 rent = 7s 10d) [for some reason, the same was entered in LV May 1739
- Margaret died in 1743, so relatively young and left two sons Philip and Thomas
- Lonan parish registers from the early 1700s have not survived in their entirety so extreme caution must be exercised when attempting to draw conclusions about these families and their relationships
Associated Documents
- 1680 Marriage Contract: David McLerye & Margaret Cowne (parents)
- 1702 Great Enquest: David McLeroy vs Robert Cretch (father)
- 1709 Marriage Contract: Margaret McYlroy & Daniel Cowen
- 1717 Purchase: Richard McYlroy from Dan Cowne (brother)
- 1723 Will: Margaret McYlroy als Cowen (mother)
- 1732 Marriage Contract: Richard Molleroy & Ellinor Ffargher (brother)
- 1743 Will: Margaret Cowin als McYlroy
- 1749 Will: Richard Myleroi (brother)
- 1755 Marriage Contract: David Myleroie snr & Margaret Killey (nephew)
- 1781 Settlement: David Mylroie snr to David Mylroie jnr (nephew to great nephew)
- Story: Fathers & Sons: One Mylroie Clan 1663-1900 (Lonan)
From Summary of Wills, A Manx Notebook
1729-1 E d COWEN Daniel [bur Lon 17290412 - Marown][damaged]d [lost too dark] ch Philip, Thomas jt admrs - next of reln Phillip Bridson supv; wife alive - ch give up their rights to her; inv £2 11s. Full transcription
Last updated: Apr 2020