Bequest - 1754 (Douglas)

In the name of God, amen, I Margaret Kelly of the town of Douglas being sick and weak in body but of sound and perfect memory do make this my last will and testament in manner following:

First I commit my soul to God hoping through the merits and mediation of my blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to receive full remission for all my sins and my body I commit to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executor hereafter mentioned

I leave and bequeath unto my affectionate friend Philip Higgin my house wherein I live with the garden and backside thereunto belonging he paying unto my cousin Margaret Kneal the sum of five pounds and unto my friend Mariot Smith the sum of five pounds and unto Margaret Waterson, daughter of Robert Waterson, the sum of twenty shillings

And lastly I nominate and appoint my loving and affectionate friend and companion Mariot Smith whole and sole executrix of all the rest of my goods and effects what kind or nature soever

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my mark to my name(and do revoke all and any other will or wills that I have heretofore made) this 25th day of April 1754. Before the signing hereof I do leave sixpence legacy each to any other person that can or may pretend by right in any part of my effects

Margaret Kelly X

Witnesses John Murrey X, Robert Brown ] jurati

At a Chapter Court in Douglas November 11th 1754 The executor is sworn in Court in form of law and hath given pledges for payment of debts and legacies namely Mr Philip Higgin and Nicholas Quirk

Matthew Curghey

Probatum est solvit 12d


  1. Margaret Kelly bequeated her house and garden (cottage allotment #6) to Philip HIggin and the following year, Mariot Smith, Margaret's companion, gifted Philip her house (cottage allotment #128)
  2. Margaret Kelly was no traceable relative of Phil Higgin and she refers to him as her friend
  3. Margaret was buried 23th June 1754
  4. Phil Higgin jnr was the son of Philip Higgin snr and Jane Mc ylroy. He was born in 1711 in Douglas
  5. His father was a mariner and Philip jnr was a hairdresser and wig maker
  6. Two burials of a Philip Higgin are recorded in the Braddan parish register, 1741 & 1769, father and son
  7. Phil Higgin snr did not leave a will but the LV 1743 records the fact that he made a gift of two cottages in 1737 to his son, Phil jnr, the year after Jane died. Their rent was respectively 2s 7d, and 20½d, for cottage allotments #48 & #52 ((TBF might be NSS May 1743 #43)
  8. Robert Joyner, husband of Margaret Joyner als Mcylroy, was Philip's half-uncle
  9. Philip jnr married three times: Elizabeth Peel 1741 (d1750), Mary Hault 1751 (d1761) then widow Sarah Merydew als Scott 1761 (Edward Fletcher was witness to this third wedding)
  10. He had four children Mary 26th January 1742/3, Philip 4th March 1743/4, Jane 25th February 1746/7, Jane 25th June 1752 of whom only Jane survived her father
  11. In less than a century, Jane Mcylroy's little family was ""daughtered-out"
  12. NOTE: Be aware that cottage allotment numbers changed over time as Douglas expanded. Rent and neighbours become key elements in confirming whether the tenants (e Phil Higgin) have changed properties or whether they have remained stable while the allotment number from one LA to the next has changed

Associated Documents

From Summary of Wills, A Manx Notebook

1785 A 5 FLETCHER Edward dated 11 nov 1784; Ballafletcher; gtgdau Carolina Lee; names Capt John Lee,John Edward Lee, Wm + Edwd Callister; sister Mary Callister; names Sarah Quirk als Callister,Wm+Robt Kelly, Edwrd Callister; dr Patk Scott claims - brother-in-law

1785 A 6 ds FLETCHER Jane dated 14 mar 1785; widow capt Ed Fletcher; gtgch John Edward + Caroline Lane Lee - sister

Last updated: Aug 2021