Articles of Marriage made and concluded upon by and between John Mylroie of Grawe in the parish of KK Lonan with the concurrence and joint consent of Margaret Mylroie als Clague his wife, for and in behalf of their eldest son Thomas Mylroie on the one part and Margaret Clague als Corlett (widow) of the parish of Ballaugh in behalf of her daughter Mary Clague on the other part are as follows:
First it is agreed upon that the said young couple viz Thomas Mylroie and Mary Clague shall enter into the Holy Estate of matrimony within one calendar month ensuing the date hereof God and Holy Church permitting the same.
Secondly it is agreed upon that the said John Mylroie and Margaret his wife do settle upon their said son Thomas Mylroie all their estate with the houses thereon erected, (the same consisting of both Quarterland and Intack) one half thereof to be possessed by him their said son at All Hallowtide in the year 1776, at which time he is to enjoy half the crop of corn and hay and the other part or half of the premises he their said son is to possess and enjoy upon the decease of the longest liver of either the said John Mylroie or Margaret his wife, they the said John and Margaret having further settled upon their said son Thomas Mylroie half of their household goods and husbandry gears in present possession and the other half of them upon the decease of the said John Mylroie and Margaret his wife, likewise they do confer and give unto their said son Thomas all of the dales(?) they have ready to loft the house together with the pasture of a cow till the time above limited he is to possess half the land. The parties having further agreed to and with each other that the above said young couple are to have their victuals with the said John Mylroie and Margaret his wife gratis or without any consideration for the same till the time limited for possession if not in case the said John and Margaret Mylroie out of necessity be compelled to buy any grain which if they are the young couple are to pay for the same in proportion to their family.
Thirdly that the said young couple are to do their utmost endeavour to till the land along with the said John and Margaret as also to assist them in all manner of work necessary thereto as occasion requires and so also to continue until they are legally possessed of one half of the premises as it is specified in the second article.
Fourthly that the said Thomas Mylroie doth hereby engage himself to pay unto his father and mother John and Margaret Mylroie the sum of twenty pounds Manx at the end or expiration of a twelve months after his marriage in consideration of all the before going settled premises.
Fifthly that the above said Margaret Clague als Corlett does promise and engage herself to settle upon her aforesaid daughter Mary Clague the sum of twenty pounds Manx with a cow and a suit of bedclothes as portion or marriage dowry.
Lastly for the true and faithful performance of all and singular the before going Articles of Marriage all the parties concerned have mutually bound themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns in and under the penalty of sixty pounds sterling to be levied and paid according to law
As witness their marks to their names this 15th January 1773. John Mylroie, his mark, Thomas Mylroie his mark, Margaret Mylroie her mark, Margaret Clague als Corlett her mark, Mary Clague her mark.
Signed and delivered in presence of Daniel Kewley my X, James Scarff
19th September 1774 Then received from my son Thomas Mylroie the sum of fifteen pounds Manx being part of the consideration due from him to me by the before going Articles of Marriage for which this shall be his lawful discharge, as witness my mark to my name the date above mentioned. John Mylroie my mark X
7th November 1774 John Mylroie acknowledge the before written Articles of Marriage to be his act and deed and to be paid the sum of twenty pounds the consideration therein mentioned and Thomas Mylroie also acknowledged the Articles to be his act and deed and Daniel Kewley and James Scarff the witnesses to the Articles made oath upon the Holy Evangelist that Margaret Mylroie and Margaret Clague duly executed these Articles in the deponent’s presence. Before me Thomas Moore
At a Court Baron holden at Douglas for the parishes of Maughold, Lonan, and Conchan the 31st day of October 1786 The before written Articles of Marriage being acknowledged and proved before the Deemster and now openly published in Court and no objection offered against them the same is therefore allowed of for and in the name and behalf of His Grace, the most noble John, Duke of Atholl, Earl Strange, Lord of Mann and the Isles etc and confirmed by this Court. P.J.Heywood
[Ref N/SSS Oct 1786 #84]
- GRAWE (Grauff) - Ballacallister
- Thomas was the oldest surviving son of John Mylroie & Margaret Clague, baptised 8th January 1749, Lonan
- Thomas's father, John, was the oldest son of Richard Molleroy & Isabel Moore, baptised in 1724
- Thomas's older brother John, died in 1764 at the age of 20 leaving Thomas as heir-at-law
- Thomas married 23rd January, 1773 in Lonan
- Thomas & Mary had only one son, Thomas jnr, recorded in Lonan Parish Register (baptised Dec 1782) although more children might have been born to them
- Son Thomas jnr probably married Jony (Judith) Camaish. Their sons became miners around Laxey
- Mary's sister, Isabel, also had a Marriage Contract negotiated by her mother, Margaret Clague als Corlett, in 1775. Her husband was to be Thomas Kelly [Manx Notebook SSS October 1786 #85 Lonan]
- Lonan parish registers from the early 1700s are far from complete so extreme caution must be exercised when attempting to draw conclusions about these families and their relationships
Associated Documents
- 1730 Will: Isabell Melleyrey als Moore (grand mother)
- 1749 Will: Richard Myleroi (grand father)
- 1752 Mortgage: John Molleroye to John Callister (father)
- 1757 Sale: John Myleroii & Richard Myelroii to William Crow (father & uncle)
- 1758 Sale: John Meyleroie to John Kelley (father)
- 1758 Purchase: John Meyleroie from John Callister (father)
- 1758 Purchase: John Mylroie from John Callister (father)
- 1759 Confirmation of Sale: John Mcylroie to John Kelly ( father)
- 1765 Assignment: John Mylroie to Thomas Cowin (father)
- 1773 Marriage Contract: Thomas Mylroi & Mary Clague
- 1781 Will: William Myleroii (uncle)
- 1796 Will: David Mylderoi (uncle)
- 1798 Will: John Mylroy (father)
- 1839 Sale: Thomas Mylroie to John Killip (son?)
- Story: Fathers & Sons: One Mylroie Clan 1663-1900 (Lonan)