The last will and testament of Alice Bridson als Inyreah who was buried July 2 being of good and perfect memory committed her soul to God and body to .... burial Item she left for the poor at Hallow tide a firlot of malt and a ....................Item left a horse to her husband and as much linen cloth to him as him a shirt because ..............the goods to her mother Item she left her best clothes linen and woollen to her daughter Cath Bridson and to be kept by the grandmother for the use of the said child till she came to years to receive it and if she the said Cath died then she willed that son Matthew should have it and also willed that if it should please God to call her children then she willed that her husband should have all her goods Item she cut off all her kindred by the father ..... that would come in to claim for any of her goods with ..... legacies Item she left her working day clothes to her mother i Item she left .... Matthew Bridson with the goods her mother she pleased because he loved her Item she left Mr John Barrie and Mr John Ffaragher ............Item she left her younger child to her husband
Testes William Gellin, John Vondy ] jurati
The witnesses hand over and above the abovewritten further declared in court that the said Alice Bridson als Inereah did leave and bequeath all the remainder of her goods unto her children Matthew and Katherin Bridson and if they should die to return to her husband
The husband is sworn in court in form of law and hath taken the daughter with her goods into his custody and Jony Cotteen the grandmother hath taken the other child and has given in security ... for the husband Thomas Bridson and John Vondy and for the grandmother William Gellin and Thomas Quayle
Probatum est et solvit
Nov 3 1690
The said overseers have obliged themselves in Court to see that the said child shall receive ................. so far forth ................ not to be imposed upon them by any injunction
KK Arbory the 10th March 1683
In regard that the mother Joney Cotteen ......... dead ... into whose hands the charge of the wearing apparel of Alice Bridson was committed by her be preserved to the use of her daughter Cathrin Bridson till she came to years to ... the same and that she hath appointed Elizabeth Taylor her executor therefore the court hath ordered that the said Elizabeth to take the said apparel in to her custody and to preserve the same (with all diligent care) to be paid in kind to the said child when she comes to age according to the express .... of the will and the .... already put upon the apparel to be taken of the inventory and the apparel to be only paid in specie as aforesaid and to that end the said Elizabeth Taylor has given pledges .... ..... foreman John Bridson and Robert Quayle sub pena double the value
- Alice (Inyreah) married Christopher Bridson 18th May, 1675
- They had two children Matthias b1675 and Cathrin b1677
- No record of her baptism but presumably born c1650. Her mother was Jony Cotteen who died in 1683 which meant the responsibilities deriving from her daughter's will had to be reviewed by the Courts
- Hallow's tide is probably "All Hallow's Eve," which is the night before All Saint's Day, November 1
- There is much about the Malew Mylreas of the 1600s and early 1700s that does not hang together so extreme caution must be exercised
- For further insights into the Malew Mylreas, please refer to Mylreas in Ballaquaile and Fildraw
Associated Documents
- 1683 Will: Jony Inyreah als Cotteen (mother)
- Story: The Fatally Flawed Family of Fildraw