Will - 1700 (Ballaugh)
The last will and testament of Ann Mylrea als Kneen who was then in perfect memory and was buried the 4th day of November 1700.
First she committed her soul to God and her body to Christian burial. Item she left to her mother half a heifer.
Item she left to her sister Jony her linen and woollen, meaning (to the best of our apprehension) her shaped clothes with half the flax.
Item she left all the corn to Will (meaning her husband) and also appointed him executor of all the rest of her goods
Only left two shillings to her brother William in money or the worth of …. in corn.
… Gawne,
William Cowley
The executor is sworn in form of law
Probatum est & solvit 11d
- Husband named William Mylrea
- Could he have been the son of William Mylrea & Ann Christian, born 1667?
- She might have died young (no children mentioned in will)
- Did husband re-marry? Could it have been Ellinor Quayle who died in 1733?