Will - 1600 (Michael)
Copied from Joyce Oates' Archdeacon Wills 1600-1618 because it was embedded on p74 of a 755 page .pdf document
The testament of Annes Moore uxor (wife of) Thomas McYlrea who departeth 30 of December
first my soule to Almighjtie God
Itm to the poore one boule malte 1 fir: wheate, ij sheep the reste at discretion of my executor
Itm: to my mother Essabell Essabell Whingrene[?] her choyst beaste out of my pte
Itm: I geve to my husband Thomas McYlrea his choyse beast after my mother hathe pd her choyse
Itm: to John McYlrea 1 sheepe, 1 lamm
Itm: to Katherin Wrighte and Avericke enjLrea 1 calfe betwene them ----- to Donold McYlrea 1 hogg
Itm to my brother Robert Moore one oxe of a ye --- to Donolde to give one gyrkin clothe to my ----- what flaxe ----ye in my house
Itm: I doe constitute and ordeyne ----- and my brother and syster vz Thomas Moore, Robart Moore and Margerett Moore my true and lawfull exec: inventorie inferendum note sestum phillippi et iocobi sub pena xs[10s]
witness John Carett ad usum Regine Jurati John McYlrea, John McYlrea junr
The execut: at Lawfull
pbatu est
- No surviving burial records for Michael before 1610, & her will says she died 30th Dec 1600
- Husband Thomas, brothers in law (?) John and Donald mentioned in her will
- Avrick CANNELL, wife of John Mylrea, was probably the other Mylrea mentioned in her will. She and husband John sold land in Michael in 1603
- In 1597, Thomas Mcylrea and Ann Moore sold land in Michael to John Cannell. Subsequent sales in 1602 and 1607 saw Thomas pass over their Quarlerland in the treen of Balycrynan, bit by bit
- Liber Vastarum 1608 observes: Thoms Mcylrea being sicke and unable of himself to manure the ground hath in the presencse of divers witnesses sould out his whole interest thereof for evr unto John Cannell
Associated Documents
- 1597 Sale: Thomas McYlrea to John Cannell (husband)
- 1600 Will: Ann Mylrea als Moore
- 1602 Sale: Thomas McYlrea to John Cannell (husband)
- 1607 Sale: Thomas McYlrea to John Cannell (husband)
- Story: Early Mylreas in KK Mchael 1500-1700