Will - 1603 (Michael)

Copied from Joyce Oates' Archdeacon Wills 1600-1618 because it was embedded on p188 of a 755 page .pdf document

The testament of Christian enj Lrea whoe depted the viijth (8th) of Maye

fyrste bequeathed her soule to almightie God

Itm left to her brother Donold McYlrea vj (6) d

Itm left to her systers Jonie and Margarett 1 fyrlott barelie betweene them bothe

Itm lefte to Sr Thomas Caismine a lambe

Itm lefte to bestowe upon the poore at allhallowtyde 1 fyrlott malte, a halffe fyrlott wheate and more at discretion of hre execut:

Itm constituted and ordeyned her brother John McYlrea executor of thone halfe of her goods and her brother Wyllm, Ailes and Jaine, executors of the other halfe

pbatu est et solvit vj (6) d

Testes Sr Thomas Caismine, Margerett Kubbon


dj an oxe

dj a heffer

Margerett Keey du a horse, a qrter of a calffe


  1. Burial record Christian Rea
  2. She was apparently unmarried, mentioning neither husband nor children, but mentioning siblings whose names correspond with those of Ranold & Ellen, who both died in Ballaugh in 1600
  3. Joney was married to a Cannell, lived in Michael, and died in 1637
  4. Curiously, in Ranold's will, he observed that she had had a "bargain at handfasting" (marriage contract? wedding?) so perhaps she was married, and died soon after her marriage
  5. Nominating her brother John in her 1603 will effectively rules out the John who died in 1600 as the Ballacooiley patriarch

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Last updated: Apr 2018