Will - 1631 (Ballaugh)
Copied from Joyce Oates' Archdeacon Wills 1628-1636 because it was embedded on p399 of a 939 page .pdf document
Donold McYlvaye depted this liffe the 2th of Aprill 1631 untestate the Church havinge intelligence thereof hath decreed his -----[dark] daughter Margret Ylrea his adminstratrix
Salvo tamen vincuig Suo jure
Decretum est et Solvit 2s 3d
Inventorie at or before the next chapter in payne of 3s 4d ye invent on ye othr syde follow ad usum Dmi: inge: vide
For as much as there hath beene a contraversie betwixt the -----[dark edge] of Donold McYlrea & the exec of his wyffe concerneing money that was conveyed awaye before the death of the sd Donold’s wyffe wth there one mutuall consentt they one hath given an oyth to the other that they never conveyed more of that money away.
Invent: of Donold Mc Illrea of Ballaugh
1 cowe & 2 qters of a cowe, xxs [20s] in money;
Item 7s 6d wch is in ye hands of Jo: Mc IllRea of Ballaugh pish;
Item 4s wch is in the hands of Robte Edger;
Item 4s 6d wch in ye hands of Katherin Christin, wife to Wm Curlet:
Item: from Robte Moore of Dowglasse 18d;
Item due from John Oates xijd;
Item: from Jo: Shittletowne xviijd;
Item: from Rich: Hunter of ye Peelle xviijd;
Item due from the exec of Wm: Christin of Dowglasse 3s 6d;
Item: 6s wch is in ye hands of ye Administratrix;
Item: xxxs [30s] wch ye sd Administratrix alledgeth is in the hands of her brother John;
Item: thirteen[?] betwixt sheep & muttons; 4 blankets; 1 fledge; dj a fitherbed;one cart her pte of ye carte 1 barrell ----[fold] a barrel:
The administratrix at lawfull yeares hath bond her selfe sub pena Doubble valew to secure ye office
Item: her pte of ye cropp delivered to ye eldest sonne D----[fold] the fathr in his ---- tyme & not due to the administratrix The ------ ------ ------[light, difficult to read]
Note yt ye xxxs alledged ----- ------- ------ ------[light, difficult to read] by ye administratrix to bee due unto her by ye death of her fathr was ye prce of an ox, wch ye deceased Donold McYllRea gave unto his sonne Jo: to buye an oxe, wch he bestowed ---di---glie, and ye same oxe was due unto him ye said John wth five---ore, for the plough as appeareth was decreed & ordained at ye death of Annas Garrat wife to ye sd Donold wth his owne consent & allowed by the Courte: The sd Annas dyed in Anno 1602 as apeth in the Booke of Decrees: bide et quere: &c:
- Dollough
- Donald was probably the most frequently used first name amongst the Ballaugh Mylreas, and it is likely that this Donald was the steward of the Dollough estate, that soon spawned the Deemster/MHK/Archdeacon line of Mylreas
- Buried 2nd April 1631
- Untangling the Mylrea family lines is impossible from the distance of 400 years, and without the aid of documentss, such as parish records and wills
- This Donald was believed to have occupied the "Dollough" estate after the death of his father Raynold/Ranold/Donald in 1600
- An Ann Cannell died and was buried in 1602, the same year that Donald's wife Ann Garret is said to have died. The women were one in the same!
- Ann Cannell was buried 10th May, with the annotation "wife of Donald"" and an infant "Donald" died 2 months later. The will of Annas Garrett says she died on 10th May
- Estate passed on to his son John
Associated Documents
- 1600 Will: John Mc ilrea (brother?)
- 1600 Will: Ellin Mc Illerea als Gawn (mother)
- 1600 Will: Ranold Mc illerea (father)
- 1602 Will: Annas McYlrea als Garrett (wife)
- 1620 Will: Donald Mc lera (son?)
- 1631 Will: Donald Mc ylvaye
- 1636 Will: John Mc lerea (nephew?)
- 1636 Will: Ellyn illyrea (niece?)
- 1638 Will: John McLera (son)
- 1656 Will: Thomas McYlria (grand son)
- 1692 Will: William Mc Ylrea (grand son)
- Story: William McYlrea 1627-1692 (grand son)
- Story: Nicholas Mylrea jnr (1747-1823)