ELINOR TEAR als MYLREA Will 1805 Jurby

January the 4th 1805

The last will and testament of Elinor Tear als Mylrea being of sound, perfect and disposing mind and memory at the making hereof:

First she committed her soul to Gold and her body to Christian burial.

Secondly she left unto her son James Tear a barrel.

She left unto her daughter a feather bed after the decease of her husband.

She left to her daughter Cathrine a gown and a petticoat after the decease of her husband.

She left to her daughter Margaret a brown gown, a chest, a box, a cloak, a wheel, a bedhead, a blanket, and a pillow after the decease of her husband.

She left sixpence legacy to whosoever would claim in her will.

She left one shilling each to the witnesses of her will.

Lastly she left her husband Daniel Tear whole and sole executor of all the rest of her goods moveable and immoveable whatsoever

Witnesses present Patrick Moughtin, James Tear ] jurati

At a Chapter Court holden in the Court house in KK Michael June 25 1805 The executor is sworn in Court in form of law and hath given pledges for the payment of debts and legacies namely the witnesses of the will.

Probabum est

T. A. Cubbon


  1. Elinor was one of 5 daughters of William Mylrea & Jane Tear
  2. She was one of a twin born in 1736 in Ballaugh
  3. While no specific information about her father's family can be found, he was, in all likelihood, the grand son of William Mylrea & Ann Christian
  4. Nelly (Ellinor) married Daniel Tear January 1768: Daniel (b1768 Ballaugh), Jane (b1770 Ballaugh), James (b1772 Bride), Cath (b1777 Ballaugh), Margaret (b1781, Jurby)

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Last updated: Oct 2016