Will - 1813 (Ballaugh)


The last will & testament of Elinor Gawn of the parish of Ballaugh being of perfect mind and memory of the making thereof:

First I committed my soul to God and my body to Christian burial

Secondly I left to my son Thomas Gawn one shilling

I left to my son William Gawn one shilling

I left unto my two sons all the money that is in their hands instead of the legacy owed them in their father's will, and if they will be be not content they must pay my executors at my son Thomas a coverlet, half a blanket, and two furry coats

A big black crock to my executors

At my son iwlliam Gawn a hatter, a dresser,

I left to my executors the roof of the house and all that belongs to the house

And lastly I nominated and appointed my three daughters Mary, Elizabeth annd Jane equally executors of all the rest of my goods and effects of what nature soever, and sixpence each to every person that hath any right to claim in my last will, and one shilling each to the witnesses to this my last will

This the 16th day of March 1813. Elinor Gawn her mark X

Witnesses present Jane Quayle her mark X, Catherine Cleater her mark X } jurati

At a chapter Court holden at KK Michael the 26th October 1813

The executrices are sworn in Court in form of law for the .....................

Probabum est. Thomas Cubbon


  1. Elinor married Thomas Gawne 1765 in Ballaugh
  2. She was born in 1744, the daughter of John Mylrea, Sumner of Ballaugh, and Joney Kinread. According to Parr's abstract of laws (c1690), sumners had a range of duties including collecting tithes, bringing offenders to prison and standing at the door during a Church service to "whip and beat out the dogs".
  3. Her father remarried in 1765, soon after the death of her mother in 1764
  4. Father died 1781 and made Elinor his executrix
  5. Her siblings were: Jane 1734, Daniel 1738, Mary 1741, Elizabeth 1747, William 1752-1765, John (no LDS entry but of age when their mother died in 1764)
  6. Sister Mary married in Patrick and lived in Peel; Jane might have married Philip Radcliffe 1766, and Daniel might have married Ann Keigghen in 1767
  7. Mary died 1792 & Daniel in 1815, both in Peel

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Last updated: Apr 2022