KK Malew January 17th 1683
The …………… will of Elizabeth Inyreah als Christian who committed her soul to God and her body to Christian ……. Item She bequeathed to the poor half firlot of barley or meal Item bequeathed to her husband the use of the big chest while he lived and after to her son if he lived or pleased his father well Item She bequeathed to Jane Conill her choice of the black or red petticoat with a …. ….. … and blue apron of ………… Item bequeathed to Thomas Parr clerk a ewe lamb at May next. Item She constituted nominated and appointed her husband Martin Mylliriah and her only child John Myllriah executors of all the rest of her goods moveable and immoveable whatsoever
Testes Thomas Parr, John Faragher
The executors are at age sworn in Court
Probatum et solvit 1s
The inventory of the goods of the said Elizabeth and praized by sworn men viz Will Cain, Thomas Taylor, John Norris and Thomas Taylor as followeth:
Inpris: the 4th part of 4 blanketts 3s her pt of 2 chests & bedstock 2s . 00 - 03 - 00
Item her pt of th ebarrells and churn 2s small vessells xijd ............ 00 - 03 - 00
Item her pt of a pann pott and other small things xijd .................. 00 - 01 - 00
Item her pt of flax yarne sheet carchifes and canvess ................... 00 - 02 - 08
Item her wearinge cloathes 5s her part of bed cloathes 2s 6d ............ 00 - 07 - 06
Item wrought flax and hempe her part 2s, It: all fishinge geares 2s ..... 00 - 04 - 00
Item som leather 3d spaid grope harrow sickles and som Iron ............. 00 - 02 - 02
Item her shoes and stocken xijd her pt of carrs stradles and creeles 6d 00 - 01 - 06
Item her pt of the wheeles 6d, 1 stooles boords 6d ...................... 00 - 01 - 00
Item her pt of a panners and a pound wooll 3d her of a rope 1d .......... 00 - 00 - 04
Item the corn threshd and unthrashd on her part ......................... 00 - 06 - 06
Item her pt of the hay 9d her pt of turfe and linge 4d .................. 00 - 01 - 01
Item som salt 2d som pease wheat and meale 6d ........................... 00 - 00 - 10
Item her part of 2 cowerood a calfe ..................................... 00 - 08 - 06
Item her part of 3 horses 3s 6d her pt of ye sheep 5s ................... 00 - 08 - 06
Item her pt of kissans and basketts 2d .................................. 00 - 00 - 02
---- dj a peece of raw cloath cloath in the walk milne som muc som sacks som Sticks 00 - 04 - 00
funerall charges to be deducted xs [10s]
Pledges in form of law Robert Quayle & John Caveen
- Ballasalley
- Elizabeth was the wife of Martin McYlrea. They married 1654
- She was buried 22nd January 1683 (Inyrean)
- The name Martin is unique in Mylrea genealogy and while there is no record of Martin's birth, his mother had to be Issabel Mylrea who died in 1648 naming Martin as one of her sons
- Elizabeth & Martin had three children: Thomas (1657-1670); Katherine born 1660 - might have died 1669; John (1664)
- Son John married Elizabeth Bridson, Malew, 1684 and died 1699, 18 months after his father
- Family estate was settled on grand son John in 1718. By then, he was a tailor in Dublin and probably never returned to the Island, selling the estate to William Stole in 1735. This Mylrea line, if it continued, did so in Ireland or further afield
- Grand daughter Ellin had a Marriage Contract in 1722 with John Callister of Ballasalley
- There is much about the Malew Mylreas of the 1600s and early 1700s that does not hang together so extreme caution must be exercised
- For further insights into the Malew Mylreas, please refer to Mylreas in Ballaquaile and Fildraw
Associated Documents
- 1648 Will: Issabel McYlleriah als ?? (mother-in-law)
- 1698 Will: Martin McYlrea (husband)
- 1699 Will: John McYlrea (son)
- 1718 Settlement: Elizabeth McYlrea als Bridson to son John (daughter-in-law to grand son)
- 1722 Marriage Contract: Elinor McYlrea & John Callister (grand daughter)
- 1735 Sale: John McYlrea to William Stole (grand son)
- Story: The Fatally Flawed Family of Fildraw