Will - 1723 (Bride)

KK Bryde, 1723

This is affirmed to be the Last will & Testam’t of Ewan Christian of the P’ish of KK Bride who departed this life the first of Novemb’r 1723 being in perfect mind and memory at the makeing of the Same.

---s He committed his Soule to God & Body to Christian Burial

Itm he left and bequeathed to his Daught’r Joney [Jouhg----- Six Shillings

Itm to his son Charles Christian three shillings

Itm He declared that his said Daught’r Joney’s portion or mariage Dowry was fully paid & Satisfied, to a penny or a penny worth.

Itm to the Witnesses of his will Six =pence apiece.

Lastly He Nominated & appointed his Eldest Son Ewan Christian Sole Execut’r of all the rest of his goods & effects, Movable, And Unmovable whatsoever.

Witnesses of this Will

Philip Jaughon my mrk X }

William Tear my mk X } jurati

The Executor is sworn in Court

Pledges to secure the Office, & c. are the Witnesses of the Will

Probatu est & Solvit 1s