KK Malew January the 30th 1650
The last will and testament of Ffinloe McYlleriah who first committed his soul to God and body to Christian burial.
Item He bequeathed to his eldest daughter [Katherine] Inyreah half an ox and half of two young horses 7 years age with half of a young mare that must .... and be kept in the farm for brood .........Katherine and Jane Inyreah .......the ........ mare will give .......................
Item He willed that his youngest daughter Jane Inyreah should have his right and part of the broken crop of corn in the haggarth and sow? .... this year again and enjoy ... .... and .....the same
Item he bequeathed to Sir Thomas Parr ........... 2 kishens of wheat
Item he constituted, ordained and appointed his daughter Jane Inyreah his true and lawful executrix of all the rest of his goods moveable and immoveable whatsoever Robert Kemeen & John McIrea sworn supervisors
Witness hereof Thomas Parr, Nicholas Quiddy ] jurati *NOTE there is a lengthy sentence after Quiddy's name but it has been crossed out and rendered indecipherable
The inventory of the goods of the said Ffinloe McYllerriah [viewed?] and prized by sworn men .... William Shymyne, Dan Kewin, John Shymyne & Gilbert Quayle {list almost indecipherable – mentions inter alia a horse, 3 yards of rough cloth, an old pair of looms, some old harrows, a chest, a handkerchief]
There is some debts to be deducted out of the......... to John Elloriah [a lot of crossing out in this sentence - see Frances's interpretation below]
From Summary of Wills, A Manx Notebook
"note by John Mcylleria (being supervisor) as to what he paid out re brother Finlo"
The document continues: There is half an ox left towards the payment of the debt.
Nicholas Harrison & Gilbert Bridson
- Born 1600-1610; buried 4th February,1650
- Ffinloe's mother was Ales (Alice) Milera als Bell who died 1646. His siblings were Thomas, John, Hugh & Isabel
- He married Ellin Stoell who died 1642; daughters Katherine (married Thomas Quaile) and Jane who died 1658. Girls born 1630s
- Ffinloe's brothers Thomas married Isabel ??, John married Cathrin Caine, Hugh married Margaret (Stoele?)
- There is much about the Malew Mylreas of the 1600s and early 1700s that does not hang together so extreme caution must be exercised
- For further insights into the Malew Mylreas, please refer to Mylreas in Ballaquaile and Fildraw
Associated Documents
- 1643 Will: Ellin McYlriah als Stoell (wife)
- 1646 Will: Ales Milera als Bell (mother)
- 1654 Will: John McYlrea (brother)
- 1658 Power of Attorney: Jane Macillrea (daughter)
- Story: The Fatally Flawed Family of Fildraw