Will - 1764 (German)
German June 22nd 1764
Jane Killey als Mylrea departed this life on or about the 18th day of March last intestate. The Court upon intelligence thereof decrees her two children namely Thomas & Margaret Killey joint administrators of all her goods and chattels whatsoever – Thomas being abroad Margaret is sworn to bring a perfect Iinventory to the Registry as also for payment of debts and hath given pledges according to law namely Hugh Shimmin of Ren ass? and Patrick Crellin (thorny?) both of KK German
Solv 3d Decretum est
R Radcliff Kirk German
An inventory of the goods of Jane Killey als Mylrea deceased (appraiser) by four men viz John Leece, John Cain, Mark Callister and Nicholas Cain sworn by William Dawson summoner of KK German as followeth (first page of inventory lists a few livestock then personal items with a total value £6/15/2 ¾; the next page lists household goods, grains, farm equipment with a total value £9/5/6)
- Jane was the second daughter of Thomas Mylrea & Joney Craine of Ballacooiley. She outlived her siblings of whom there were four
- She married Oates Killey 1727, and had four children of whom two survived – Thomas & Margaret. Oates Killey lived for another decade after Jane’s death
- His will identified daughter Margaret as married to Corkill and Thomas living in Liverpool. [copied from Summary of Wills: d 1 feb 1774; dau Margt Corkill; son Thos Killey exec (of Liverpool who appoints James Cain of Peel to admr)]
- Jane’s brother John Mylrea died 1738 and left his sister a firlet of barley; his wife, Margaret Mylrea als Corkhill, left Oates Killey 2 kishens of rye in her 1741 will
Associated Documents
- 1711 Will: Thomas McYlrea (father)
- 1713 Will: William McYlrea (brother)
- 1733 Will: William Mylrea (½ brother)
- 1738 Will: John McYlrea (brother)
- 1738 Will: Katherine Cowley als McYlrea (½ sister)
- 1738 Will: Margaret McYlrea als Lewn (sister-in-law)
- 1738 Will: Joney Curlet als McYlrea als Crain (mother)
- 1742 Will: Margaret Mylrea als Corkhill (sister-in-law)
- 1762 Will: Ellinor Clague als Mylrea (sister)