Will - 1680 (Malew)

KK Malew June 8th 1680
……… nomine doi Amen

I John McYlleria being of good and perfect mind and memory praised be God though weak, sick and feeble of body do make this my last will and testament in manner following:

First I commit my soul to God and my bones or body to the earth

Item I bequeath to the poor a firlot of barley and a sheep or mutton  

Item I bequeath to Mary Norris a bull calf

Item I bequeath to Sir Thomas Parr a mutton at Michealmas? next

Item I bequeath to the children of Christopher Harrison two lambs

Item I bequeath to Ellin Carrowne a lamb

Item I constitute ordain and appoint my son William McYleriah executor of all my goods, lands and estate whatsoever and in regard that the most part of the land and house was bought [by?] Kathrin the wife of the testator now with my husband do give my full assent and consent [by?] my husband’s will and doth hereby grant that our said son William McYlleriah shall have to him and his issue all my part of the house and lands betwixt me and my husband after my decease if he shall have issue to enjoy the same And for the ratifying and confirming of all the premises we the said John McYlleriah and Kathrin Inyreah wife of the said John do hereunto subscribe the day and year ……. and abovesaid John McYlleriah his mark X,  Catherin Inyreah her mark X
Signed in the presence of us Thomas Parr, William Wanwrick ] jurati
Probatum et solvit 12d
The executor sworn in Court in form of law

The inventory of the goods of John McYlleriah viewed and prized by four sworn men to witt William Wainwrick, Wm Lowney, William ...... and John ........... followeth -
[list of items all described as "half of ... etc", giving a total value of a little over £8]
Debts to be deducted 14s 7d besides the Court’s fees and church dues
The goods in the executor’s hands being at age and hath given in pledges .... in form ...John ...... William Wainwrick


  1. Ballasalley
  2. John was buried 29th June, 1680
  3. Probably born about c1630: most likely parents - Thomas Mylrea & Issabel als ??
  4. If so, he had brothers Thomas & Martin, and sister Issabel
  5. John McYllria married widow Cathrin Norris als Caveen c1650. She already had two children, Philip & Mary Norris (hence Mary's mention in this will)
  6. John & Cathrin had son William (Illeriah) born 1653; a daughter was also born
  7. Perhaps the Christopher Harrison in John's will was his son-in-law? John's sister Issable married a Harrison, but Issable's & John's children would have been of comparable age (ie late 20s+) so unlikely to be the family mentioned in John's will. Thus, it is almost certain that the daughter of John and Cathrin married Christopher Harrison
  8. When son William died in 1718, he mentioned his sister who has married Harrison. It was her daughter Margaret who was William's executor
  9. Legatee Ellin Carrowne was Mary Norris's daughter, and 11 years old at the time of John's death
  10. Cathrin Illeria als Caveene died 1688
  11. This John Mylrea was also likely to be the skipper who in 1659 carried Illiam Dhone to a ship waiting off Santan and, as a result, enjoyed a brief moment in Manx history
  12. The 1704 Composition Book refers to John Mylrea compounding land in 1666. This holding is later in the hands of William Mylrea and so presumably these are the lands referred to in John's will
  13. Son William married Cathrin Bridson in 1680, just a few weeks before John died. They had two children, both of whom died in the smallpox epidemic of 1685 and Cathrin Bridson died three years later
  14. There is much about the Malew Mylreas of the 1600s and early 1700s that does not hang together so extreme caution must be exercised
  15. For further insights into the Malew Mylreas, please refer to Mylreas in Ballaquaile and Fildraw

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Last updated: Dec 2024