JONEY McYLREA als CORLETT 1741 Ballaugh

The last will and testament of Joney McYlrea als Corlett who departed this life about the 8th day of August last being old and feeble but in perfect mind and memory at the making hereof. First she committed her soul to God and her body to Christian burial. Item she left her niece Margaret Clark all her wearing clothes that was shaped for her body and lastly she appointed her nephew William Clark brother to the above Margaret whole executor of all the rest of her goods of what nature soever.

Witnesses Catherine Bridson, Isabel Gell ]
William Clark the executor is sworn in form of law and gave pledges the Reverend William Bridson and John Bridson Clark
Solvit 12d Probatum est

Joh: Coshahan, Edward Moore


  1. Wife of John McYlrea who died Ballaugh 1730; evidently no surviving children
  2. Her husband's family is unknown
  3. Origins Jurby?

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Last updated: June 2014