Will - 1610 (Michael)

The 5th day of July 1610

I Jony ine Mcylrea being sick in body but whole in mind and of good and perfect memory, all laud and praise to be given to God do make my last will and testament in manner and form following:

First I commit and commend my soul into the hand of almight God hoping that by the death and passion of his only son my sweet saviour Jesus Christ the same may be crowned in heaven with glory, my body I commend to the earth hoping that the same, the last day I shall rise again and soul and body to receive the fullness of joy. And such worldly goods as it hath pleased almighty god of his mere goodness to lend unto me in this life, I give and bequeath as follows:

Item I give and bequeath to the poor 1 boz malt, 1 firlot wheat and one firlot of oat meal and the rest at the discretion of my executors

Item to the vicar Sir Hugh Cannell 1 mutton

Item to Bahie Cordeige 1 lamb

Item to John Wood clerk 12d

Item to Averick Cordeige my daughter one heiffer 3 years old

Item to John Mylrea his children 1 lamb

Item I do constitute and ordain my husband Patrick Cordeige and my daughters Jony and Avericke Cordeige my true and lawful executors of all my goods moveable and immoveable

Witnesses herof Hugh Cannell vicar, John Wood clerk

Probatum et solvit 12d

1 horse and 2 sheep of free goods

Daniel Cowley pledge to keep the office harmless, the executors at lawful years

The 22nd July 1610


  1. This surname enjoys a multiplicity of spellings but examination of deaths for 1610 across the Isle of Man reveals no suitable candidate although her will is clearly July 1610, a few months before the surviving burial register begins
  2. Daughters Bahee & Avericke, husband Pat. No way of knowing where John Mylrea fits but at that time, a John Mylrea was married to an Averick. Best quess is tht he is her brother
  3. Land records of the day do not contain Patrick Cordeige (or variations of the surname). There was a John Mylrea who in 1585, took over quarterland in Ballacrynan from William Mylrea, probably his father

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Last updated: Dec 2023