Will - 1602 (MICHAEL)

Copied from Joyce Oates' Archdeacon Wills 1600-1618 because it was embedded on p339 of a 755 page .pdf document

Scti Michaelle ------

Whearas Margerett Cotter depted the iiijth ---- of Aprill untested the church havinge intelligence thereof hath constituted her chyldren legittimatlie begotten Ellen --ylrea Administratrice and John Mc ylrea uncle on the father's syde and Wyllm Cotter uncle on the mother syde supvisor

to the poore 1 boule malte and 1 fyrlt wheate

pbatum est et solvit ijs (2s)

invent ante sestum | Phillippi et Iocobi | Johannis baptisti | 1 heffer of iij yeare, 1 yonge oxe sub pena vs [5s] ad usum | of iij yeare olde 1 cowe calffe of Regine | 1 yeare olde


  1. No surviving record as to whom Margaret might have married although we know he was a Mylrea
  2. No surviving burial record Margaret but her will places burial at 4th April 1602 (burial records for Michael begin in 1610)
  3. Presumably no surviving husband because uncles (including John Mc ylrea) named as supervisors
  4. No evidence found as to how this family fits within the broader Michael Mylrea clan

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