Lonan 1723 Nov 4

Margaret McYlroy departed this life in the beginning of May last, intestate, whereof the Court having intelligence hath decreed her son John McYlroy sole administrator of all her goods and effects moveable and immoveable whatsoever, the rest of the children having had contract/ bargain who being out of the Island the brother and sister Richard and Margaret are sworn in Court in form of law.

Decretum est et solvit

The Inventory next Court sub poena 4s

Pledges for Margaret, Steven Clague and for Richard


  1. Buried 20th May, 1723 MYLROIY
  2. Married David in Braddan in 1680
  3. David was probably about 27 years of age when the couple was married. Best guess is that David was the son of Hen MALLEREAY who died in 1675, mentioning sons Richard and David in his will. All three names are rare in the Mylrea clans so it''s a reasonable "fit". This man was also buried in Braddan, when David married
  4. No record of the marriage has survived but David and Richard had a Marriage Contract exists to mark their alliance
  5. Possible baptisms for children born in Braddan: Hen (MALLEREIGH) 1685, Jo (MALLEREIGH) 1686, Richard (MALLAREIGH) 1690
  6. David & Margaret and their descendants lived most of their lives in the parish of Lonan, and were likely to have been the "foundation" Mylrea family in the parish
  7. Daughter Margaret married Daniel Cowne in 1709. She had a Marriage Contract and in it her father had artfully reserved the right to move in with Margaret and her husband if he wished. David MOLLEYREY/MOLLEYRETY buried 20th March 1733 in Lonan so he clearly exercised his rights
  8. Son Richard married three times: Isabel c1717, Ellinor Ffargher 1732, Mary Quark 1740. He died 1749 leaving nine children
  9. Recent DNA studies show that this family have Viking heritage, as opposed to the Mylreas who are Celtic - David was not a Mylrea after all, despite the similarity in surname
  10. No record of who David & Margaret's other children might have been but apparently they were off Island when she died, and presumably never returned. John the executor might have been off island by the time his mother died because there is no record of his presence in Lonan
  11. Recent DNA studies show that this family have Viking heritage, as opposed to the Mylreas who are Celtic - David was not a Mylrea after all, despite the similarity in surname
  12. Lonan parish registers from the early 1700s have not survived in their entirety so extreme caution must be exercised when attempting to draw conclusions about these families and their relationships

Associated Documents

From Summary of Wills, A Manx Notebook

1743-3 E d COWIN Margaret McYlroy [bur Lonan 17430623] d 23 Jun 1743; sons Philip,Thomas joint admrs - Brundall

Last updated: Mar 2020