originally submitted by Shirley C. Hogensen to Brian Lawson


In the name of God Amen I Margaret Mylroie wife of Robert Mylroie otherwise Kewley of the parish of Lonan being very sick and weak in body but of sound mind and memory do hereby make and ordain my last will and testament that is to say principally and first of all I commend my soul to Almighty God who gave it and my body the earth to be buried after a Christian manner and as for my worldly goods I dispose of them in manner following:

First I leave and bequeath to my five beloved children namely Margaret, Eliza, Thomas, John and Ann Mylroie one pound each.

2ndly I leave and bequeath all my apparel to be divided between my 3 daughters.

Lastly I nominate ordain and appoint my well beloved husband Robert Mylroie my whole and sole executor of all my goods and effects of houses and land, credits, and chattels of what kind or denomination soever and I do hereby revoke and disallow all former wills ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament this the 3rd of October 1846. Margaret Mylroie x mark

Published and pronounced in the presence of John Killip John Kewley

At a Chapter Court holden at Douglas 26th May 1847 The executor is sworn in court in form of law and hath given pledges for the payment of debts and legacies namely John Killip of Ballacollister and John Kewley of Ballaragh both in the parish of Lonan

Probatum est

T. A. Corlett


  1. Colby
  2. First wife of Robert Mylroie, married 1834 in Lonan
  3. Seven children: Ann (1835), John (1836), unnamed infant (1737), Thomas (1838), Margaret (1841), John James (1845), Eliza (1846)
  4. Ann married John Cowley 1856, Eliza married William Fargher 1867
  5. Thomas was still alive when his father died but nothing is known of his fate. Two of Margaret's children had died by the time their mother did; another two (Margaret & John) had gone by the time their father died

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Last updated: Aug 2014