William Christian
Will - 1747 (Bride)
From MNB
This is affirmed to be the last will and testament of William Christian of Ballafayle in KK Bride who departed this life about the 29th of Feb 1747, being of perfect mind and memory at the making hereof.
First he committed his soul unto God and his body to Christian burial.
Item, he left to his son & heir twelve pounds in lieu of the crop and team.
Item, he left to his two daughters six pence apiece Dorothy & Margt Christian
Item, he left to his nephews James and William Christian three pounds the debt due to them included
Item, he declared that he owed his father in law William Christian thirty eight shillings.
Lastly he nominated and appointed his loving wife Margt. Christian sole executrix of all the rest of his goods moveable and immoveable of what kind & nature soever.
Witnesses: David Sayle, William Kneale, juratus.
Margt Christian the widow is sworn Executrix in form of Law. She is also sworn overseer of the orphans [? presumeably 2nd wife of Wm], there being no relation that has appeared in Court on the Dead’s part. She undertakes the maintenance of the children & gave pledges, viz., Wm Kneale ye witness & Saml Christian.
est, Solvit 12 pence.
Edv:Moore, Ro:Radcliffe.
Lezayre Feb 13, 1755: Wm Christian came this day to the Regry and acknowledges the receipt of the thirty shillings due to him as expressed in the will from the Executrix Margt Christian and therefore does hereby acquit and discharge her of the same for ever. Before me, Matth:Curghey.
Feb 13, 1755: James & Wm Christian arrived to lawful years came this day to the Regry and acknowledges to have received at and from the hands of Margt Christian the Executrix the sum of three pounds left them by the Testator their uncle Wm Xtian, the debts due to them included, & do therefore acquit and discharge said Executrix of the same for ever. Before me, Matth: Curghey, Ar Regr.
Lezayre 26th Janry 1763: This day Philip Christian of Sulby in the parish of KK Conchan came to the Registry & acknowledged the he had received from John Christian Executrix of the within named Margt Christian Executrix of Wm Christian her husband since also deceased the full sum of six pounds legacy which was left and bequeathed by the within named Testator William Christian to his daughter Dorothy Christian the now wife of the said Philip Christian and he the said Philip Christian doth hereby release acquit and discharged him the said John Christian his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns thereof forever.
John Christian husband of Margt Christian daughter of the within Testator Wm Christian acknowledged to have received the legacy of six pounds bequeathed unto his said wife Margt by her father Wm Christian the within Testator & he doth hereby acquit, release, exonerate and discharge the Executor of the last will & testament of said Wm Christian his executors and administrators thereof for ever. John Christian his X. Before me, Thos:Cubbon."
Last updated: May 2020