Mortgage - 1873 (Michael)

Know all men by these presents that Thomas Mylrea of the parish of Michael, miller, doth hereby own and acknowledge himself to be and stand justly endebted unto Evan Gell of the town of Peel, mariner, in the principal sum of one hundred pounds sterling to the repayment whereof unto the said Evan Gell, his executors, administrators and assigns with interest thereon, at and after the rate of five pounds per annum and all costs and charges attending these presents, the said Thomas Mylrea doth hereby bind and oblige himself, his executors, administrators and assigns firmly by these presents

And for the further security of the said Evan Gell, his executors, administrators and assigns in the repayment of the said principle sum of one humdred pounds with interest, costs and charges due thereon

Know ye that the said Thomas Mylrea by and with the consent of Mary Elizabeth his wife, testified by her becomeing a party hereunto and executing these presents

Hath given, granted, transferred, assigned and passed over and by these presents do give, grant, transfer, assign and pass over in security unto the said Evan Gell, his executors, administrators and assigns all and singular the one third part or portion of that corn and [fenn/] mill situate in Glen Wyllin in the parish of Kirk Michael, together with the one third part of portion of the dwelling house and premises situate as aforesaid and occupied by the said Thomas Mylrea

To have and to hold the said part or portion of mill, dwelling house and premises with all ways, waters, watercourses, easements, liberties, rights, members, and appurtenances to the same belongingor in any wise appertaining thereto unto the said Evan Gell, his

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said Evan Gell,, his executors, administrators and assigns from and against the claim, challenge, and demand of all and every person or persons whomsoever until repayment of the said sum of one hundred pounds with all interest, costs and charges which may be due and owing thereon

And for the true and faithful performance hereof, the said Thomas Mylrea and Mary Elizabeth Mylrea his wife do hereby bind and oblige themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these presents

In witness whereof they have hereunto subscribed their names this 27th day of August one thousand eight hundred and seventy three. Thomas Mylrea, Mary Elizabeth Mylrea

Signed and delivered in presence of William Mylrea, Mary Elizabeth Caine

At Peel 1st September 1873, Thomas Mylrea who is personally known to me acknowledged the foregoing Bond and Security to be his proper act and deed, and William Mylrea who is also personally known to me made oath ... Holy Evangelist that Mary Elizabeth Mylrea duly executed the said deed in his presence and in presence of Mary Elizabeth Caine the other witness thereto

Know all men by these presents that Evan Gell of Peeltown, fisherman, doth own and acknowledge to have received from John Thomas Mylrea of Castletown, heir at law of Thomas Mylrea late of the parish of Michael, miller, deceased the principal interest, costs and charges due and owning on a certain deed of Bond and Security granted and passed by the said Thomas Mylrea and wife to the said Evan Gell for the sum of one hundred pounds sterling charging and affecting all and singular a part of that water corn mill situate in Glen Wyllin in the parish of Michael and bearing date the 27th of August 1873

And the said Evan Gell doth hereby release and discharge the said mill and premises from all further claim or demand in or on account of the said deed of the 27 day of August 1873 and doth direct that the same be and stand cancelled on record

Witness his name this 28th day of May one thousand eight hundred and eighty. Evan Gell

Signed and delivered in presence of C.C.Moore, J Kelly

At Peel 29th May 1880

Evan Gell who is known to me acknowledged the foregoing receipt to be his proper act and deed. Before me, Robert ..............

[Ref Sept 1873 #17]


  1. This was the first of two mortgages that Thomas Mylrea took out in a 3 year window. The second was in 1876. Both times he put up his share of "Harry's" mill and associated buildings as security. After his death in 1876, his oldest son, John Thomas, and heir at law, repaid the mortgages
  2. Thomas, baptised 1815, was oldest son of Thomas Mylrea & Margaret als Cowin of Braddan. He had two brothers - Philip the school master at Malew, and William the blacksmith at Andreas
  3. He married Mary Elizabeth Caine 1839, Braddan
  4. Thomas was the miller at Glen Wyllin. He and his family went to Michael in about 1844, after living originally at Union Mills outside Douglas where he was already a miller
  5. Thomas was also a Methodist preacher
  6. Seven children: Jane (baptised 20th May 1840), Margaret (3rd April 1842), Mary Elizabeth (3rd February 1844), John Thomas (22nd November 1845), Sarah (23rd January 1848), William (1st March 1850), Philip Caine (5th May 1853) - 5 survived
    • Jane m William Callister, went to live in the USA
    • Mary Elizabeth m John Caine, eventually went to the UK
    • John Thomas m Jane Stowell, remained on the IOM
    • William m Elizabeth Horsley, went to the UK
    • Philip Caine m Elizabeth Dickinson went, to the USA
  7. Thomas purchased a third share of "Harry's mill (rent = 4s of 12s) from John Cain of Kirk Michael village in 1858 (LV1860). Also in the purchase was a small piece of Dromrewaigh quarterland (rent = 1/3d)
  8. His oldest son and heir at law, John Thomas, became a ship owner and corn dealer in Castletown, and died tragically at the relatively early age of 48
  9. On John Thomas's death, the Michael estate went to his wife, Jane Stowell (LV 1898), and when she died in 1900, it passed to their son Thomas who was still a minor (LV 1901)
  10. Young Thomas Mylrea married in 1904 but tragically his wife died a few months later.
  11. Thomas left for the US soon afterwards where he married Bertha Margaret Thomas and became a father to two daughters. The family made its home in Oklahoma
  12. Thomas sold his share of "Harry's" corn mill fifty years after his grandfather had purchased in 1858

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Last updated: Mar 2025