Mortgage - 1876 (Michael)

Know ye all men by these presents that Thomas Mylrea of Glen Wyllin in the parish of Michael, miller, is firmly held and bound unto Jane Quayle of Glen Wyllin in the said parish of Michael in the full sum and interest of one hundred pounds sterling to the repayment whereof with interest thereout at and after the rate of five pounds per centum per annum and all costs and charges attending these presents well and truly to be made unto the said Jane Quayle, her executors, administrators and assigns the said Thomas Mylrea hereby binds and obliges himself, his administrators, executors and assigns firmly by these presents and for the further and better security of the said Jane Quayle, her executors, administrators and assigns in the payment

Know ye that Thomas Mylrea and otherwise Mary Elizabeth Mylrea his wife have given, granted, transferred and passed over in security and by these presents do give, grant, transfer and pass over in security unto the said Jane Quayle all and singular the said Thomas Mylrea's share of those premises known and called by the name Harry's mill with outhouses, offices and premises thereunto attached situate in Glen Wyllin in the parish of Michael. Also all and singular the whole of that dwelling house at present unoccupied with outhouses, premises and garden thereunto attached, situated near the said mill wheel

to have and to hold the said premises situated as aforesaid together with all ways, watercourses, easements, liberties, rights, members, and appertenances to the same belinging unto the said Jane Quayle, her executors, administrators and assigns until repayment of said principal sum of one hundred pounds with all interests, costs and charges and it is hereby agreed upon by and between the parties hereunto named that the interest to become due hereon shall be paid yearly at and after the rate aforesaid and six months previous notice in writing shall be given by either party before calling in or paying off the amount of this security and the said Thomas Mylrea and Mary Elizabeth Mylrea, his wife, doth hereby for themselves, their executors, administrators and assigns covenant, engage and agree to and with the said Jane Quayle, her executors, administrators and assigns that they have good right, full power, and lawful authority to grant in security the premises aforesaid and that they shall and will warrant, maintain, uphold and defend the same from and against the claim, challenge and demand of all or every person or persons whomsoever unto the said Jane Quayle, her executors, administrators and assigns until repayment of the said principal sum of one hundred pounds with all interests, costs and charges

And for the true and faithful performance hereof, the said Thomas Mylrea and Mary Elizabeth Mylrea his wife do hereby bind and oblige themselves, their executors, administrators and assigns firmly by these presents

In witness whereof the said Thomas Mylrea and Mary Elizabeth Mylrea have hereunto subscribed their names this, the second day of February one thousand eight hundred and seventy six 1876. Thomas Mylrea, Mary Elizabeth Mylrea

Signed and delivered in presence of Edward Caine, John Thomas Mylrea

At Peel 4th February 1876

Thomas Mylrea who is personally known to me acknowledged the foregoing Bond and Security to be his proper act and deed and and John Thomas Mylrea who is also known to me made oath that Mary Elizabeth Mylrea executed the said deed in his presence and in presence of Edward Caine the other witness. Before me Robert ..............

Know all men by these presents that Miss Jane Quayle of Glen Wyllin, Michael, doth hereby own and acknowledge to have received from and been paid by John Thomas Mylrea of Castletown the full amound of principal interest, costs and charges due and owning under and in respect of a certain deed of Bond and Security bearing date the 2nd day of February 1876 granted and passed by Thomas Mylrea and wife (now deceased) to the said Jane Quayle for the principal sum of one hundred pounds sterling with interest, costs and charges as therein stated, secured and made chargeable upon all and singular a certain mill and premises at and near Glen Wyllin in the parish of Michael as in such deed of Bond and Security described

And the said Jane Quayle doth hereby exonerate, discharge and release the said John Thomas Mylrea (who is now the owner of the property charged and encumbered by the said deed of Bond and Security) and the whole of the said property mentioned from all further claim, liability or demand in anywise whatsoever in respect of the said deed of Bond and Security of the 2nd day of January 1876 herein before mentioned and she doth hereby desire and direct that the same may be and stand cancelled upon record

Witness whereof the said Jane Quayle hath hereunto subscribed her name this20th day of February one thousand eight hundred and ninety one. Jane Quayle

Witnessed by William Quayle, John Kaighin

At Douglas, 28th day of February 1891

William Quayle one of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing deed appeared and made oath that Jane QUayle the executing party thereto duly executed the same in his presence and in presence of John Kaighin the other subscribing witness. Before me, Sam Harris, High Bailiff of Douglas

[Ref Feb 1876 #9]


  1. This was the second mortgage that Thomas Mylrea took in a 3 year window. The first was in 1873. Both times he put up his share of "Harry's" mill and associated buildings as security. After his death in 1877, his oldest son, John Thomas, and heir at law repaid the mortgages
  2. Thomas, baptised 1815, was oldest son of Thomas Mylrea & Margaret als Cowin of Braddan. He had two brothers - Philip the school master at Malew, and William blacksmith at Andreas
  3. He married Mary Elizabeth Caine 1839, Braddan
  4. Thomas was the miller at Glen Wyllin. He and his family went to Michael in about 1844, after living originally at Union Mills outside Douglas where he was already a miller
  5. Thomas was also a Methodist preacher as were his father, and brother William
  6. Seven children: Jane (baptised 20th May 1840), Margaret (3rd April 1842), Mary Elizabeth (3rd February 1844), John Thomas (22nd November 1845), Sarah (23rd January 1848), William (1st March 1850), Philip Caine (5th May 1853) - 5 survived
    • Jane m William Callister, went to live in the USA
    • Mary Elizabeth m John Caine, eventually went to the UK
    • John Thomas m Jane Stowell, remained on the IOM
    • William m Elizabeth Horsley, went to the UK
    • Philip Caine m Elizabeth Dickenson went, to the USA
  7. After living in Glen Wyllin for well over 10 years, Thomas was able to purchase a third portion of "Harry's" mill (4s of 12s) from the local cooper, John Cain, plus a small piece of Dromrewaigh quarterland (1/3d) (LV1860) . Perhaps he had always lived and worked there, and the death of his parents in law in Douglas provided a legacy enabling him to purchase "the business"?
  8. His son, John Thomas, became a ship owner and corn dealer in Castletown, and died tragically at the relatively early age of 48
  9. John Thomas, by virtue of his father's will, inherited the Mylrea holdings in Michael
  10. John Thomas left those Michael holdings to his wife, Jane Stowell (LV 1898), and when she died in 1900, they passed to Thomas who was still a minor (LV 1901)
  11. Young Thomas Mylrea married in 1904 but tragically his wife died a few months later
  12. Thomas left for the USA soon afterwards where he married Bertha Margaret Thomas and became a father to two daughters. The family made its home in Oklahoma
  13. In 1908, Thomas sold the share of "Harry's" mill his grandfather had purchased in about 1858

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Last updated: Mar 2025