Purchase - 1858 (Michael)

Know all men by these presents that John Cain of the village of Michael, cooper, for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds sterling to him in hand paid by Thomas Mylrea of Glen Wyllin in the parish of Michael, miller, and of covenants and agreements herein after mentioned on the part of the said Thomas Mylrea, his heirs, executors and administrators do be done and performed

Hath given, granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain and forever absolutely sell unto the said Thomas Mylrea, his heirs and assigns all and singular the one third part or share of and unto that mill machine or engine for the grinding of corn and other grain called "Harry's" mill, situate at Glen Wyllin in the parish of Michael aforesaid, together with all and all manner of stones, wheels, machinery and gear belonging unto and used with the said mill; also all and singular the one third part or share of and unto the dwelling house, outbuildings, offices, lands and premises adjoining and belonging to the said mill and situate in Glen Wyllin aforesaid

To have and to hold the said mill, dwelling house, buildings, lands and premises with all ways, waters, watercourses, easements, liberties, rights, members, privileges and appertenances to the same belonging and respectively belonging or herewith usually held, occupied and enjoyed unto the said Thomas Mylrea, his heirs and assigns from the day of the date hereof forever

And the said Thomas Mylrea doth hereby bind himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns to pay or cause to be paid unto the said John Cain, his executors, administrators and assigns the annuity or yearly sum of seven pounds sterling, free and clear of all charges and deductions whatsoever for and during the term of the natural life of the said John Cain, and when the decease of the said John Cain, the said annuity to cease and determine (?), and the said John Cain doth hereby covenant and engage to and with the said Thomas Mylrea that he has full right and lawful authority to sell and dispose of the said mill, houses, lands and premises in manner aforesaid and that he shall and will uphold and maintain the same unto the said Thomas Mylrea, his heirs and assigns from and against the claim and demand of all and every person or persons whomsoever

And for the true and faithful performance hereof, the said John Cain and Thomas Mylrea bind and oblige themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators each to the other in and under the penalty of two hundred pounds sterling to be levied and paid according to law

In witness whereof, the said John Cain and Thomas Mylrea have hereunto subscribed their names this fourteenth day of August 1858. John Cain, Thomas Mylrea

Signed and delivered in presence of Robert Sayle, William Sayle

Witness to the departure of Thomas Mylrea ................................. ?

AT Douglas the 17th day of August 1858

John Cain and Thomas Mylrea the executing parties to the foregoing deed who are personally known to me .............

REF: Aug 1858 #4


  1. This contract shows Thomas Mylrea becoming an owner of "Harry's" mill in Michael

  2. Thomas purchased a third share of "Harry's mill (rent = 4s of 12s) from John Cain, cooper, of Kirk Michael village in 1858 (LV1860). Also in the purchase was a small piece of Dromrewaigh quarterland (rent = 1/3d)
  3. This purchase was facilitated by the death of his wife's parents because Mary Elizabeth was left the family home in Senna Street in Douglas which they sold for £97/10/-
  4. The contract involves a payment of 100 for the mill and associated buildings and lands, and an annuity of £7 per annum which was to compensate John Cain for the loss of income from the mill. Cain died in 1861, so Thomas was only obliged to pay the annuity for three years at most
  5. He and his family migrated to the parish in about 1844, after living originally at Union Mills outside Douglas where he was already a miller
  6. Thomas, baptised 1815, was the oldest son of Thomas Mylrea & Margaret als Cowin of Braddan. He had two brothers - Philip the school master at Malew, and William the blacksmith at Andreas
  7. Thomas was also a Methodist preacher as was his father, and brother William
  8. He married Mary Elizabeth Caine 1839, Braddan
  9. Seven children: Jane (baptised 20th May 1840), Margaret (3rd April 1842), Mary Elizabeth (3rd February 1844), John Thomas (22nd November 1845), Sarah (23rd January 1848), William (1st March 1850), Philip Caine (5th May 1853) - 5 survived
    • Jane m William Callister, went to live in the USA
    • Mary Elizabeth m John Caine, eventually went to the UK
    • John Thomas m Jane Stowell, remained on the IOM
    • William m Elizabeth Horsley, went to the UK
    • Philip Caine m Elizabeth Dickinson went, to the USA
  10. His son and heir at law, John Thomas, became a ship owner and corn dealer in Castletown, and died at the relatively early age of 48
  11. On John Thomas's death, the Michael estate went to his wife, Jane Stowell (LV 1898), and when she died in 1900, it passed to their son Thomas who was still a minor (LV 1901)
  12. Young Thomas married in 1904 at the age of 21, but tragically his wife died a few weeks later.
  13. He left for the US soon afterwards where he married Bertha Margaret Thomas and became a father to two daughters. The family made its home in Oklahoma
  14. In 1908, Thomas sold his 1/3 share of "Harry's" corn mill that his grandfather had purchased in 1858

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Last updated: Mar 2025