Sale - 1908 (Michael)
This deed made the 4th day of May 1908 between Thomas Mylrea of 923 East Seventh Street Oklahoma City in the United States of America and formerly of Castletown in the Isle of Man, joiner, (and herein after called the Vendor) of the first part, Bertha Mylrea, wife of the Vendor of the second part, and John Daniel Llewellyn Kelly of Kirk Michael in the Isle of Man, builder, and John Sayle of the same place, postmaster, hereinafter called the Vendees of the third part
Whereas the Vendor is entitled to one undivided part or share of the cornmill, houses and premises at Glen Wyllin in the parish of Michael hereinafter described and which he inherited from his father John Thomas Mylrea deceased, and he has agreed to sell the same unto the Vendees
Now this deed witnesseth that the Vendor and Bertha Mylrea his said wife in consideration of the sum of one hundred and twelve pounds ten shillings to them paid by the Vendees (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) have given granted bargained and sold, and by these presents do give, grant, bargain and forever absolutely sell and convey unto the Vendees all and singular their own undivided share or part of in that cornmill, dwelling house, outoffices, easements and appurtenances to the same belonging, the whole of which are situate at Glen Wyllin in the parish of Michael and including in such description the whole of the property of the Vendor at Glen Wyllin aforesaid
To have and to hold the same and every part thereof with all ways, rights, easements and appurtenances to the same in any wise belonging, unto the Vendees, their heirs and assigns absolutely, they yielding and paying the Lord's or Chief Rent and all suits and services incumbent thereon
And the Vendor doth for himself and his executors and administrators covenant and engage to and with the Vendees their heirs and assigns that he the Vendor with his wife has full right, and lawful authority to sell and convey the premises aforesaid in manner aforesaid and that he and his administrators and executors shall and will warrant, uphold and defend unto the Vendees, heirs and assigns against the claims, challenge and demand of all persons whomsoever
In witness whereof the parties hereto have hereunto subscribed their names the day, month and year first before written. Thomas Mylrea, Bertha Mylrea
Signed and delivered by the Vendor and Bertha Mylrea his said wife in presence of Edith Thomas Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, J.M.Caine Oklahoma City
State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City ss
J.M.Caine of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma one of the subscribing witnesses to the execution of the foregoing deed and of whose identify I have satisfied myself personally appeared before me, Reuben Harrison, a notary public in and for said county and state, and made oath on the holy evangelist that Thomas Mylrea and Bertha Mylrea two of the executing parties thereto, duly executed the same in presence of deponent and of Edith M Thomas the other subscribing witness thereto
In testimony whereof I the said notary public have hereunto subscribed by name and affixed my official seal this 5th day of May AD, 1908. Reuben Harrison, Notary Public
[Ref June 1908 #3]
- Thomas Mylrea in this petition was the grandson of Thomas Mylrea, the miller of Glen Wyllin
- Thomas is selling his one third share of "Harry's" mill that had originally been purchased by his grandfather, Thomas Mylrea, in 1858 from John Cain, the cooper in Michael village
- The share of the mill went to his father John Thomas Mylrea on the death of his grandfather in 1876, and thence to his mother Jane Mylrea als Stowell on the death of his father in 1893. His mother died in 1900, leaving Thomas was not yet 17 years of age
- He married in 1904 but tragically his wife died a few months later.
- Thomas left for the USA soon afterwards where he married Bertha Margaret Thomas and became a father to two daughters. The family made its home in Oklahoma
- The sale marked the end of the association of this Mylrea family with the parish of Michael, a relatively short lived one spanning about 60 years
Associated Documents
- 1858 Purchase: Thomas Mylrea from John Cain (grand father)
- 1860 Will: Thomas Mylrea (great grand father)
- 1873 Mortgage: Thomas Mylrea to Evan Gell (grand father)
- 1876 Mortgage: Thomas Mylrea to Jane Quayle (grand father)
- 1876 Will: Thomas Mylrea (grand father)
- 1877 Will: Mary Elizabeth Mylrea als Caine (grand mother)
- 1889 Purchase: John Thomas from James Clague (father)
- 1893 Will: John Thomas Mylrea (father)
- 1900 Will: Jane Mylrea als Stowell (mother)
- 1908 Sale: Thomas Mylrea to Kelly & Sayle
- Story: Thomas Mylrea (Farmer) 1788-1860 (great grand father)
- Story:The Mylreas of Douglas & District 1600-1900
- Story: Early Mylreas in KK Michael 1500-1700