Will - 1842 (Douglas)
In the name of God Amen
Ann Mylrea of Braddan being weak of body but of a sound disposing mind and memory maketh her last will and testament in the following manner viz
First She commits her soul to God and her body to a Christian burial
Second She leaves and bequeaths to her niece Elizabeth Mylrea, daughter of her brother Thomas Mylrea, the sum of twenty pounds and a set of oak drawers with a feather bed, bolster and pillows, two quilts, two blankets, two sheets and curtains, round table, square table with drawers and two chairs
Thirdly She leaves and bequeaths to any person claiming a right in this her last will and testament the sum of two shillings and sixpence as a legacy
Lastly she hereby nominates constitutes and appoints Thomas Mylrea her brother sole executor of all her worldly goods and effects of every name nature or description whatsoever Esther …. ….. or my half of our …… and this she confirms as last will and testament this nineteenth of January one thousand eight hundred and forty one 1841. Ann Mylrea her X
Signed and delivered in the presence of Robert Lewin, William Corrin
At a Chapter Court holden at Douglas 14th June 1843 the executor named in the will is sworn in Court in form of law well and truly to execute the last will and testament of Ann Mylrea, to pay her just debts and legacies and to perform all other acts and deeds pertaining to the office of Executor according to law, and to these ends hath given pledges namely Robert Lewin and John Casement of Onchan
Probatum est
Dan Nelson, Official
- Ann was a spinster buried in Braddan 30th November 1842, aged 65, baptised in 1777
- She was the oldest child of William Mylrea and Jane Taggart
- Unrecorded brother Thomas baptised about 1788. He married Margaret Cowin in 1809 and their oldest daughter Elizabeth (mentioned in Ann's will) baptised 1813 married William Conwell in 1847
- In the 1841 IOM census, there was an Ann Mylrea (Myhea), aged 57, charwoman living in Douglas but this is the widow of a Thomas Mylrea who married an Ann Cannon. This particular Ann Mylrea had a calculated dob of 1784, rather than the c1777 for Ann the testator in this case.
Associated Documents
- 1749 Mortgage: Thomas Mylrea & Margaret als Cowin to John Waterson (grand parents)
- 1756 Mortgage: Thomas Mylrea & Margaret als Cowin to Christopher Waterson (grand parents)
- 1756 Mortgage: Thomas Mylrea & Margaret als Cowin to Christopher Waterson (grand parents)
- 1773 Will: Thomas Mylrea (grand father)
- 1838 Will: Ann Mylrea (aunt)
- 1842 Will: Ann Mylrea
- 1860 Will: Thomas Mylrea (brother)
- Story: Thomas Mylrea (Farmer & Preacher) 1788-1860 (brother)
- Story: The Mylreas of Douglas & District 1600-1900