Will - 1728 (Ramsey)
Transcription provided by Jim Smith
Maughold 1728
Dorothy Holden als Corlet departed this Life ab’t the 20. of Sept. Anno Supradict Intestate, whereof the Court having Intelligence hath decreed her four children Viz’t Edmond, John, Willian & Anne Holden joint Adm’rs of all her goods & Effects whatsoever, who being all under age the Father Patrick Holden w’th the Uncle & Aunt on the mother’s side viz’t Simon & Anne Corlet are sworn in form of Law.
Decretu & Solv’t 14d
The goods in the hands of the “-------“ Uncle and Aunt the Supervisors, who have given pledges Edm’d Kneen & Will’m Kneal.
Ramsey Octob’r ye 24 1728
A true and perfect inventory of the goods & chattells of Dorothy Howlan alias Corlette of Ramsey taken by the Sumner and four sworn men viz. Jn. Moore, Jn. Killey, Dan’l Corlett & Patt Kirmeen & as follows:
The deads part of ye goods taken & priz’d }
in particulars Amounts in Gross to } 1:11:4
The Deads part of money due to them 0:2:6
Debts to be Deducted Including Funeral Charges
The Deads part of ye Debts Amounts to 0:13:9 ½
--ct’r 24th 1728
Edw’d Calow enters Claim ag’t the Adm’rs of Dorothy Holden for Nineteen Shill’s & Four pence & craves the Law.