Will - c1751 (Douglas)
At a Consistory Court holden at K.K. Michael 18 March 1754
Robert Joyner, late of the town of Douglas, mariner, departed this life on the coast of Africa onboard the little Foster of Liverpool, Captain Cropper Commander, as appears by Decree of Administration granted by the Reverend Abel Ward, Archdeacon of Chester and Rural Dean of Warrington, bearing date 16 September 1752, intestate
The Court upon intelligence thereof hath decreed his brethren and sister namely John Charles and Ellinor Joyner joint administrator of all his goods, credits and effects, moveable and immoveable whatsoever, John being abroad, has by deed bearing date 12 Feb 1754 duly proved before the worshipful Deemster Taubman 5 March 1754 … empowered Mr Thomas Fargher to act as his attorney herein who together with Charles Joyner and John McCoy husband of Ellinor aforesaid are sworn for payment of debts and to be just to one another in the division of the goods
Pledges in form of law are Mr William Curghey and Mr John Stevenson
Decretum est solvit 3/6
Robert Radcliff, Matthias Curghey
- Robert was the grandson of Margaret Joyner als Mcylroy. She had married Robert Joyner in 1685. This man was a mariner
- Robert was the son of Charles, the son and heir of Margaret & Robert. His mother was Joney Clucas
- Robert would have been about 27 years of age when he died
- His siblings were John ( ), Charles () and Ellinor (1729) - John & Charles jnr have no record of baptism
- His father Charles snr died in 1729, and mother Jony in 1743
- The Joyner children received the legacy of their father's share of the family cottage allotment #75 which had been gifted to Charles snr in 1727
- The substantial cottage allotment #75 with its 3s 10d annual rent was Robert Joyner's in entirety in 1700 but gradually removed from Joyner hands, when the portions gifted to Margaret and to Charles were sold until, by the end of the 1700s, grandsons John and Charles jnr held a less than 1% share
- NOTE: Be aware that cottage allotment numbers changed over time as Douglas expanded. Rent and neighbours are key elements in confirming whether the tenants (eg Robert Joyner) have changed properties or whether they have remained stable while the allotment number from one LA to the next has changed
Associated Documents
- 1661 Will: Robert Joyner p264/620
- 1689 Will: Amey McLeroy als Joyner als Watson
- 1698 Will: Catharine McYlroy als Moore
- 1722 Settlement: Robert Joyner to Margaret Queeling als Joyner (grand father to aunt)
- 1727 Settlement: Robert Joyner to Charles Joyner (grand father to father)
- 1729 Will: Margaret Joyner als McYlroy (grand mother)
- 1737 Settlement: Robert Joyner to Charles Cosnahan (grand father to uncle)
- 1743 Will: Jony Joyner als Clucas (mother)
- 1751 Will: Robert Joyner
- Story: The Mylreas of Douglas & District 1600-1900
From Summary of Wills, A Manx Notebook
1730-1 E d JOYNER Charles d 14 dec; ch Jon, Robt, Ellinr + Charles all ua, uncle Charles Cosnahan jt supv with wife Jony als Clucas; claims; inv; debts - Court allows widow to mortgage houses - father
Last updated: June 2020